Post by Sarea Riel Dirao on Nov 1, 2013 22:42:47 GMT -6
So yeah, I didn't know where to put this, so why not here?
The Character Physically
1. What is the character's stature and build? Are they overweight or lean? What is their height and weight? Sarea is a short, petite young elf but with quite a surprisingly large bust for her height and weight. She is approximately 5 foot 5 and weighs about 119 pounds.
2. How old are they? She is in Wood Elf years 117 years old, but that is the equivalent really of a 20-22 year old.
3. Describe their posture; is it good? Do they carry themselves well? Are they crooked, straight, or handicapped? She has quite a good posture, mainly due to the fact that she is a bard who usually carries herself well in front of people.
4. Are they in good shape or out of condition? Are they muscular, weak, or strong? Any special abilities or super powers? She is quite weak and very frail, but her soft voice and musical talent is almost like a super power.
5. How is their health? Any illnesses or conditions? She is very healthy.
6. Are they physically active or sedentary? A fast or slow mover? She is a rather slow, patient mover but always active, no matter what.
7. Are they clumsy, awkward, or graceful when they move, walk, or run? Whenever she moves, she is very graceful, much like a faerie.
8. Would you describe the character as good looking, pretty, beautiful, average, plain, ugly, disfigured? Sarea has been described as many by the most beautiful person in all of Wildgard. And by beautiful, they mean adorable.
9. How does the character regard their physicality? Are they proud, ashamed? Sarea is actually quite indifferent to her physicality.
10. Describe their complexion and skin. Dark, light, clear, marked, tattooed, branded? She has pale skin from living in clouded Briton her whole life, but also has rosy cheeks. Upon her left cheek and chin are the green tattoos of the Dirao Clan, as all Wood Elves of the Celtic Northern Briton Clans must be tattooed with their Clan's mark.
11. Describe their hair, coloring, styling. Is great care taken in upkeep, or disregarded as a nuisance? Her hair is a fair blonde colour and goes down to her shoulders. She always makes sure it looks nice, whether she curls it, keeps it straight, ties it up, puts flowers or ribbons in it, etc.
12. How is their dexterity? Do they have good hands? Can they manipulate and create or repair? Her dexterity is less than exceptional, as she is more of a wordsmith than a repairman or blacksmith.
13. Are they physically tense or relaxed, nervous, controlled? In day-to-day life she is usually quite nervous and often paranoid, but once she opens up (with friends or performing, for example) she gets in control of her body.
14. What part of their body would you notice first? Boobs. (Hey, it's true.)
15. How is their eyesight? Wear glasses, blind, going blind? Color? Her eyesight, as a Wood Elf, is astounding, and her eyes are a hazel-caramel colour.
The Character's Garb
1. How much clothes does this character have? She never used to have many clothes, as she always had to pack light to travel, but now with her new lifestyle she can afford to buy lots of pretty gowns and skirt and hats and cloaks and shoes.
2. What kinds of items are in their wardrobe? All of the above.
3. Do they have favourite articles of clothing? She's always enjoyed skirts of any kind.
4. What colors are their clothes, is there a wide range? Bright or dull? What are their favourite colors to wear? She usually wears reds and blacks, quite the contrary from the greys and greens the other Wood Elves in Celtic Northern Briton wear, but will often mix it up with some green, gold, pink, and basically any other colour that isn't dull.
5. Are their clothes old or new? Her main outfit is very old, but woven out of special fabrics to never 'get old'. The rest is all brand-new.
6. Were they bought or homemade, hand-me-downs, expensive tailored-made? She doesn't really know, except her cloak was tailor-made.
7. Is your character at home in their clothes or uncomfortable? If she wasn't comfortable, she wouldn't wear them. She absolutely loves her clothes to the point where she feels like she could just dance in joy.
8. Does your character care for their clothes, kept up and neat, do they worry about how they look? Not necessarily worry about how she looks, but knows she has to look nice nonetheless.
9. Does your character have to dress a certain way because of his job or position? Is it a uniform? If so, do the clothes fit their real, basic character, or are the clothes worn as a symbol or mask? Nope!
10. Do they dress according to a self-image of themselves? Is this self-image conscious or unconscious? At what age was this self-image set, and what circumstances dictated the image? Nope!
11. Discuss adornments, jewellery, or trophies that your character might wear. Are there tattoos, piercing, brandings, or ritualistic scarring, and what were the events, rituals, or circumstances that lead your character to having them. Sarea's garb is accompanied by a bouquet of flowers generously donated to her in a ring on her right upper arm under her cloak, including many with special meanings associated with the love of her life, Jennis Mul Moongem, which she recieved from Idinia Doc after placing an order.
12. What kind of underwear does your character wear? O.O ....probably cute ones that a lolita elf would wear?
The Character's Voice
1. Does your character speak in a high or low pitch? Sarea speaks in an almost bird-like soprano voice.
2. Are they a loud or soft talker? She usually speaks softly in person but when performing is much louder than usual.
3. Is there a wide range in the voice in volume, pitch, quality, or is the voice consistent and even? Unconsciously, her voice changes pitches and volume regularly due to having been trained like that.
4. Is there good resonance to the voice? Is the voice throaty, chesty, heady, or nasal? Heady, without much resonance unless singing.
5. Is there tension in the voice? Anxiety? Emotion? Ohohoh, yes. There is much tension and anxiety, usually accompanied by sadness or fear.
6. Is there an accent? Anything unusual in pronunciation? Emphasis? Phrasing? She has a bit of an Irish accent to go with her English one, and her R's are a bit more slurred than the other letters.
7. Is it a trained voice or just natural? Does the character try to speak well or just however it comes out? It comes out how it does, but at the same time she went throught training that did change it.
8. Is the speech clear or muddy? Do they mumble? Are they distinct? She is very distinct and clear, but her quietness often makes it seem muddy.
9. Is the voice comforting or irritating? Reassuring or disturbing? Are they self-conscious when they speak to others? How large a group could they speak to before they become self-conscious? She is a bit self-conscious in certain situations, but the larger the group the more theatrical she becomes.
10. What is the first thought one might have after hearing your character speak? Bird.
The Character's Mind
1. Would you describe the character as smart, dumb, or naive? She is very naive, due to her being quite young.
2. Do they think quickly? Slowly? Are they quick-witted? Dull? She thinks at an average rate, so is neither smart nor dumb.
3. What kind of education do they have? She has a bardic education, but learned most other things on her own path.
4. Does the character possess a knowledge or expertise in a particular field? Music. All music. Choir, solo singing, flute, lute, and violin. Her skill on her instruments is said to resonate like the sound of a full orchestra when she plays.
5. Is the character impulsive or deliberate in reaching conclusions? Would you describe them as being logical, rational, or emotional? Very. VERY. Emotional when it comes to these things.
6. Do they think things out before they speak or blurt out the first thought? She always thinks before she speaks, but sometimes that doesn't help.
7. Do they contemplative times? What occupies their mind when alone? Usually the past, and stories of the past. Love is another thing, especially Jennis. Usually with some mental music in the backdrop.
8. Would they be considered an idealist? A pragmatist? A dreamer? An idea person? An action person? She is definitely a dreamer and a bit of an idea person.
9. Are they motivated chiefly by abstract ideals or practical rewards? Actually, she's motivated by emotion and her heart.
10. Can your character tell a joke? She can try...but no.
The Character's Emotions and Personality
1. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert? A bit of both. The larger the crowd, the more extroverted she gets.
2. Do they get along well with people? Do they have charm or charisma? Are people naturally attracted to them? CHARM AND CHARISMA MAY NOT BE HER MIDDLE NAME BUT THEY MAY AS WELL BE. She makes people fall for her so easily and she doesn't even know when she does.
3. Do they have many friends? Any close friends? Faljere, and so far Idina's looking pretty close too. Otherwise, no.
4. Would you describe your character as hot-blooded or cool headed? Cool-headed, never one to take a life.
5. Do they have a narrow or wide range of emotions? Do they show, or are the emotions concealed? Why? A very wide range of emotions that always show, especially through her music.
6. Do they indulge in emotional peaks, outbursts, or valleys? Often? Not really, she's usually level.
7. Would you describe them as sensitive or callused? Sensitive. Very sensitive. Someone needs to cuddle her right now.
8. Is your character suspicious, cautions, trusting, or oblivious about people or situations? Cautious at times, but mainly oblivious.
9. Are they an aggressive or reactive person? Act or react? Reactive passive person.
10. Do they typically take positive or negative action? P for positive!
11. In a dangerous or emergency situation, would they go toward the situation or run away? Less of runing, more like a brisk walk.
12. Is the character basically nervous or calm? Nervous. Very nervous.
13. Does the character have a sense of humor? Do they appreciate jokes? Can he see humor in any situation? Can they laugh at themselves? She can laugh at jokes and at herself; her humour is light-hearted and pleasant, although humour can be difficult to find sometimes in certain situations.
14. Do others find them amusing? Are they a practical joker? What do they think about tricks or jokes played on other people? She's no practical joker herself, but there's no harm in a little harmless prank pulled on a friend. Most people find her an amusing soul nonetheless when she's in larger groups.
15. Is their humor ever cruel? Never ever.
16. Are there any conditions that would cause them to be harmful, mean, or cruel to another person? If they were a Dwarf.
17. Are they a loving person? Are they capable of relating to one specific person in a romantic way? Pshaw, her entire life revolves around two things: Music and love. She easily falls in love (she's a lesbian, btw) but her love for her late wife will never depart from her spirit.
18. Is the character loved by any other person, in what way? She was.
19. Is the character romantically in love now? With whom? Is this a happy, rewarding or frustrating situation for them? If you count one from the past yes, but it is stressful to know that person is dead and will never return...especially since her heart was ripped out and stomped into the ground by Dwarven Conquerors.
The Character's Wealth, Power, and Influence.
1. Does this person have much money? Does it provide position or respect from others for him? Not much, but enough to be happy.
2. Is your character generous or selfish with their money and possessions? Far more generous than most people would be.
3. Is the character socially prominent? Are they prominent from wealth, position, office, family history, ability or accomplishment? Kind of, but only because people love her pieces and songs.
4. Does the character rate high in the "pecking order" within their own household? Town? Area? Nation? World? No.
5. Does this person wield much clout? Over whom and by what means? No.
6. Can they command others to do their bidding, by word or manipulation? Only with magic. And that's a last resort.
7. How do they get their desires? Usually just by asking politely and coming to a mutual agreement.
8. To whom are they subservient? Is this submission willing or unavoidable? No one quite yet. Although she was submissive to Jennis while they were married by will, since Jennis was the senior partner.
The Character's Activities
1. How does the character spend their time? Wandering, playing, singing, thinking, and teaching music.
2. What does their daily routine consist of? Usually a wake-up, then a small meal before getting dressed for the day followed by a long morning walk. Depending on what she needs, she'll go to town and pick stuff up, but if she's free of work, she'll go and play for hours on end before going to wnader some more around town at night.
3. What is their profession or work? She is a bard by trade, and will often perform in Taverns either for pleasure or for money. At one point she was forced into prositution, but quickly got out of it.
4. What things do they really like to do? Music, walk, perform.
5. What things do they hate to do? Fight, interract with Dwarves, eat.
6. What are their leisure time activities? Pastimes? Recreation? Music, writing, and sometimes composing her own tunes.
7. Do they play games? What kind? No.
8. Do they like to eat or drink? Does this figure largely in their lives? How important is it? She much enjoys teas and milk, but hates eating and will only eat twice a day to sustain herself only.
The Character's Favorite Things:
1. Colors? Gold
2. Food? Fruits
3. Drinks? Tea
4. Smells? Spring
5. Time of day? Dusk
6. Season of the year? Spring
7. Books? Fairy Tales.
8.Kinds of literature? Fantasy.
9. Authors? Any, really.
10. Places to visit? Forests.
11. Kinds of music? ANY! There is no music she hates.
12. Musical instruments? Despite not being able to play it, she has always harboured a deep love for the French Horn.
13. Composers/Artists? Many.
14. Spells? Hold.
15. Abilities? Elven eyesight.
16. Fabrics? Elven silks from High Reach, in North-East High Elven Briton.
17. Garb? Skirts and gowns!
18. Plants? Grass.
19. Flowers? Roses.
20. Trees? Birch.
21. Birds? Dove.
22. Animals/Kintu? Horses.
23. Fairy-tale? An old elven fairy-tale called "The Three Elven Lords".
Character's Fears
1. What things frighten your character? Death: not her own, but of another.
2. Are they motivated by fear? She cowers in the face of it.
3. To what extent are they motivated by fear; never, occasionally, usually, constantly? Usually.
4. What would this character think were the three most terrible things that could happen to them? Losing a loved one: Check. Being tortured her whole life: Check. Losing music as a passion: Never.
5. What would they think were the three most wonderful things that could happen to them? Becoming a world-renowned musician, finding another girl to love, and saying a true farewell to Jennis.
6. What is the one thing that your character would never want anyone else to find about him or herself? What are they hiding? She's hiding one thing: The dwarf she killed out of spite once when she found out her wife had been killed.
The Character's Religion
1. What are their specific religious beliefs? Do they belong to a specific sect or creed? Do they advocate that group's beliefs? Not necessarily, although she does follow aspects of Elven Chrisitanity.
2. How important is religion to your character? Not very.
3. Are they pious, devout? No.
4. In what religious activities or rituals do they engage? What percentage of their time is devoted to it? She does engage in loving and Sundays at church. That's really about it.
5. How does religion motivate their actions or affect them? Not very much, actually.
The Character Physically
1. What is the character's stature and build? Are they overweight or lean? What is their height and weight? Sarea is a short, petite young elf but with quite a surprisingly large bust for her height and weight. She is approximately 5 foot 5 and weighs about 119 pounds.
2. How old are they? She is in Wood Elf years 117 years old, but that is the equivalent really of a 20-22 year old.
3. Describe their posture; is it good? Do they carry themselves well? Are they crooked, straight, or handicapped? She has quite a good posture, mainly due to the fact that she is a bard who usually carries herself well in front of people.
4. Are they in good shape or out of condition? Are they muscular, weak, or strong? Any special abilities or super powers? She is quite weak and very frail, but her soft voice and musical talent is almost like a super power.
5. How is their health? Any illnesses or conditions? She is very healthy.
6. Are they physically active or sedentary? A fast or slow mover? She is a rather slow, patient mover but always active, no matter what.
7. Are they clumsy, awkward, or graceful when they move, walk, or run? Whenever she moves, she is very graceful, much like a faerie.
8. Would you describe the character as good looking, pretty, beautiful, average, plain, ugly, disfigured? Sarea has been described as many by the most beautiful person in all of Wildgard. And by beautiful, they mean adorable.
9. How does the character regard their physicality? Are they proud, ashamed? Sarea is actually quite indifferent to her physicality.
10. Describe their complexion and skin. Dark, light, clear, marked, tattooed, branded? She has pale skin from living in clouded Briton her whole life, but also has rosy cheeks. Upon her left cheek and chin are the green tattoos of the Dirao Clan, as all Wood Elves of the Celtic Northern Briton Clans must be tattooed with their Clan's mark.
11. Describe their hair, coloring, styling. Is great care taken in upkeep, or disregarded as a nuisance? Her hair is a fair blonde colour and goes down to her shoulders. She always makes sure it looks nice, whether she curls it, keeps it straight, ties it up, puts flowers or ribbons in it, etc.
12. How is their dexterity? Do they have good hands? Can they manipulate and create or repair? Her dexterity is less than exceptional, as she is more of a wordsmith than a repairman or blacksmith.
13. Are they physically tense or relaxed, nervous, controlled? In day-to-day life she is usually quite nervous and often paranoid, but once she opens up (with friends or performing, for example) she gets in control of her body.
14. What part of their body would you notice first? Boobs. (Hey, it's true.)
15. How is their eyesight? Wear glasses, blind, going blind? Color? Her eyesight, as a Wood Elf, is astounding, and her eyes are a hazel-caramel colour.
The Character's Garb
1. How much clothes does this character have? She never used to have many clothes, as she always had to pack light to travel, but now with her new lifestyle she can afford to buy lots of pretty gowns and skirt and hats and cloaks and shoes.
2. What kinds of items are in their wardrobe? All of the above.
3. Do they have favourite articles of clothing? She's always enjoyed skirts of any kind.
4. What colors are their clothes, is there a wide range? Bright or dull? What are their favourite colors to wear? She usually wears reds and blacks, quite the contrary from the greys and greens the other Wood Elves in Celtic Northern Briton wear, but will often mix it up with some green, gold, pink, and basically any other colour that isn't dull.
5. Are their clothes old or new? Her main outfit is very old, but woven out of special fabrics to never 'get old'. The rest is all brand-new.
6. Were they bought or homemade, hand-me-downs, expensive tailored-made? She doesn't really know, except her cloak was tailor-made.
7. Is your character at home in their clothes or uncomfortable? If she wasn't comfortable, she wouldn't wear them. She absolutely loves her clothes to the point where she feels like she could just dance in joy.
8. Does your character care for their clothes, kept up and neat, do they worry about how they look? Not necessarily worry about how she looks, but knows she has to look nice nonetheless.
9. Does your character have to dress a certain way because of his job or position? Is it a uniform? If so, do the clothes fit their real, basic character, or are the clothes worn as a symbol or mask? Nope!
10. Do they dress according to a self-image of themselves? Is this self-image conscious or unconscious? At what age was this self-image set, and what circumstances dictated the image? Nope!
11. Discuss adornments, jewellery, or trophies that your character might wear. Are there tattoos, piercing, brandings, or ritualistic scarring, and what were the events, rituals, or circumstances that lead your character to having them. Sarea's garb is accompanied by a bouquet of flowers generously donated to her in a ring on her right upper arm under her cloak, including many with special meanings associated with the love of her life, Jennis Mul Moongem, which she recieved from Idinia Doc after placing an order.
12. What kind of underwear does your character wear? O.O ....probably cute ones that a lolita elf would wear?
The Character's Voice
1. Does your character speak in a high or low pitch? Sarea speaks in an almost bird-like soprano voice.
2. Are they a loud or soft talker? She usually speaks softly in person but when performing is much louder than usual.
3. Is there a wide range in the voice in volume, pitch, quality, or is the voice consistent and even? Unconsciously, her voice changes pitches and volume regularly due to having been trained like that.
4. Is there good resonance to the voice? Is the voice throaty, chesty, heady, or nasal? Heady, without much resonance unless singing.
5. Is there tension in the voice? Anxiety? Emotion? Ohohoh, yes. There is much tension and anxiety, usually accompanied by sadness or fear.
6. Is there an accent? Anything unusual in pronunciation? Emphasis? Phrasing? She has a bit of an Irish accent to go with her English one, and her R's are a bit more slurred than the other letters.
7. Is it a trained voice or just natural? Does the character try to speak well or just however it comes out? It comes out how it does, but at the same time she went throught training that did change it.
8. Is the speech clear or muddy? Do they mumble? Are they distinct? She is very distinct and clear, but her quietness often makes it seem muddy.
9. Is the voice comforting or irritating? Reassuring or disturbing? Are they self-conscious when they speak to others? How large a group could they speak to before they become self-conscious? She is a bit self-conscious in certain situations, but the larger the group the more theatrical she becomes.
10. What is the first thought one might have after hearing your character speak? Bird.
The Character's Mind
1. Would you describe the character as smart, dumb, or naive? She is very naive, due to her being quite young.
2. Do they think quickly? Slowly? Are they quick-witted? Dull? She thinks at an average rate, so is neither smart nor dumb.
3. What kind of education do they have? She has a bardic education, but learned most other things on her own path.
4. Does the character possess a knowledge or expertise in a particular field? Music. All music. Choir, solo singing, flute, lute, and violin. Her skill on her instruments is said to resonate like the sound of a full orchestra when she plays.
5. Is the character impulsive or deliberate in reaching conclusions? Would you describe them as being logical, rational, or emotional? Very. VERY. Emotional when it comes to these things.
6. Do they think things out before they speak or blurt out the first thought? She always thinks before she speaks, but sometimes that doesn't help.
7. Do they contemplative times? What occupies their mind when alone? Usually the past, and stories of the past. Love is another thing, especially Jennis. Usually with some mental music in the backdrop.
8. Would they be considered an idealist? A pragmatist? A dreamer? An idea person? An action person? She is definitely a dreamer and a bit of an idea person.
9. Are they motivated chiefly by abstract ideals or practical rewards? Actually, she's motivated by emotion and her heart.
10. Can your character tell a joke? She can try...but no.
The Character's Emotions and Personality
1. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert? A bit of both. The larger the crowd, the more extroverted she gets.
2. Do they get along well with people? Do they have charm or charisma? Are people naturally attracted to them? CHARM AND CHARISMA MAY NOT BE HER MIDDLE NAME BUT THEY MAY AS WELL BE. She makes people fall for her so easily and she doesn't even know when she does.
3. Do they have many friends? Any close friends? Faljere, and so far Idina's looking pretty close too. Otherwise, no.
4. Would you describe your character as hot-blooded or cool headed? Cool-headed, never one to take a life.
5. Do they have a narrow or wide range of emotions? Do they show, or are the emotions concealed? Why? A very wide range of emotions that always show, especially through her music.
6. Do they indulge in emotional peaks, outbursts, or valleys? Often? Not really, she's usually level.
7. Would you describe them as sensitive or callused? Sensitive. Very sensitive. Someone needs to cuddle her right now.
8. Is your character suspicious, cautions, trusting, or oblivious about people or situations? Cautious at times, but mainly oblivious.
9. Are they an aggressive or reactive person? Act or react? Reactive passive person.
10. Do they typically take positive or negative action? P for positive!
11. In a dangerous or emergency situation, would they go toward the situation or run away? Less of runing, more like a brisk walk.
12. Is the character basically nervous or calm? Nervous. Very nervous.
13. Does the character have a sense of humor? Do they appreciate jokes? Can he see humor in any situation? Can they laugh at themselves? She can laugh at jokes and at herself; her humour is light-hearted and pleasant, although humour can be difficult to find sometimes in certain situations.
14. Do others find them amusing? Are they a practical joker? What do they think about tricks or jokes played on other people? She's no practical joker herself, but there's no harm in a little harmless prank pulled on a friend. Most people find her an amusing soul nonetheless when she's in larger groups.
15. Is their humor ever cruel? Never ever.
16. Are there any conditions that would cause them to be harmful, mean, or cruel to another person? If they were a Dwarf.
17. Are they a loving person? Are they capable of relating to one specific person in a romantic way? Pshaw, her entire life revolves around two things: Music and love. She easily falls in love (she's a lesbian, btw) but her love for her late wife will never depart from her spirit.
18. Is the character loved by any other person, in what way? She was.
19. Is the character romantically in love now? With whom? Is this a happy, rewarding or frustrating situation for them? If you count one from the past yes, but it is stressful to know that person is dead and will never return...especially since her heart was ripped out and stomped into the ground by Dwarven Conquerors.
The Character's Wealth, Power, and Influence.
1. Does this person have much money? Does it provide position or respect from others for him? Not much, but enough to be happy.
2. Is your character generous or selfish with their money and possessions? Far more generous than most people would be.
3. Is the character socially prominent? Are they prominent from wealth, position, office, family history, ability or accomplishment? Kind of, but only because people love her pieces and songs.
4. Does the character rate high in the "pecking order" within their own household? Town? Area? Nation? World? No.
5. Does this person wield much clout? Over whom and by what means? No.
6. Can they command others to do their bidding, by word or manipulation? Only with magic. And that's a last resort.
7. How do they get their desires? Usually just by asking politely and coming to a mutual agreement.
8. To whom are they subservient? Is this submission willing or unavoidable? No one quite yet. Although she was submissive to Jennis while they were married by will, since Jennis was the senior partner.
The Character's Activities
1. How does the character spend their time? Wandering, playing, singing, thinking, and teaching music.
2. What does their daily routine consist of? Usually a wake-up, then a small meal before getting dressed for the day followed by a long morning walk. Depending on what she needs, she'll go to town and pick stuff up, but if she's free of work, she'll go and play for hours on end before going to wnader some more around town at night.
3. What is their profession or work? She is a bard by trade, and will often perform in Taverns either for pleasure or for money. At one point she was forced into prositution, but quickly got out of it.
4. What things do they really like to do? Music, walk, perform.
5. What things do they hate to do? Fight, interract with Dwarves, eat.
6. What are their leisure time activities? Pastimes? Recreation? Music, writing, and sometimes composing her own tunes.
7. Do they play games? What kind? No.
8. Do they like to eat or drink? Does this figure largely in their lives? How important is it? She much enjoys teas and milk, but hates eating and will only eat twice a day to sustain herself only.
The Character's Favorite Things:
1. Colors? Gold
2. Food? Fruits
3. Drinks? Tea
4. Smells? Spring
5. Time of day? Dusk
6. Season of the year? Spring
7. Books? Fairy Tales.
8.Kinds of literature? Fantasy.
9. Authors? Any, really.
10. Places to visit? Forests.
11. Kinds of music? ANY! There is no music she hates.
12. Musical instruments? Despite not being able to play it, she has always harboured a deep love for the French Horn.
13. Composers/Artists? Many.
14. Spells? Hold.
15. Abilities? Elven eyesight.
16. Fabrics? Elven silks from High Reach, in North-East High Elven Briton.
17. Garb? Skirts and gowns!
18. Plants? Grass.
19. Flowers? Roses.
20. Trees? Birch.
21. Birds? Dove.
22. Animals/Kintu? Horses.
23. Fairy-tale? An old elven fairy-tale called "The Three Elven Lords".
Character's Fears
1. What things frighten your character? Death: not her own, but of another.
2. Are they motivated by fear? She cowers in the face of it.
3. To what extent are they motivated by fear; never, occasionally, usually, constantly? Usually.
4. What would this character think were the three most terrible things that could happen to them? Losing a loved one: Check. Being tortured her whole life: Check. Losing music as a passion: Never.
5. What would they think were the three most wonderful things that could happen to them? Becoming a world-renowned musician, finding another girl to love, and saying a true farewell to Jennis.
6. What is the one thing that your character would never want anyone else to find about him or herself? What are they hiding? She's hiding one thing: The dwarf she killed out of spite once when she found out her wife had been killed.
The Character's Religion
1. What are their specific religious beliefs? Do they belong to a specific sect or creed? Do they advocate that group's beliefs? Not necessarily, although she does follow aspects of Elven Chrisitanity.
2. How important is religion to your character? Not very.
3. Are they pious, devout? No.
4. In what religious activities or rituals do they engage? What percentage of their time is devoted to it? She does engage in loving and Sundays at church. That's really about it.
5. How does religion motivate their actions or affect them? Not very much, actually.